Saturday, May 9, 2009

Getting to Seattle

So I said I would start with the beginning of the trip! I pulled out of Cody, WY about 10:23 am to head to Seattle. I made really good time and the trip was beautiful western Montana. Dayla did really well throughout the whole trip. I think she was really bored but at times she looked out the window at the scenery as it pasted by. I was so glad to finally be out of Montana. It was such a huge state! Idaho was a short drive as I only went through the top of the state. I made it into Washington in good time and decided to take a break for the night. I was getting tired and while I really wanted to make Seattle in one day, I decided it wasn't worth being exhausted when I got to Seattle. I'm glad I stopped as the drive through Washington was beautiful. I think I saw Mt. Reiner but I'm really not sure. But I did see some other really amazing mountains.

I made got the Motel 8 and they told me that I had to check out by noon the next day. This was no so great as I was not going to have my car by this point and would have no place to go with my 5 bags, dog crate and dog. So I called my friend LaChelle. Her parents live outside of Seattle in a town I can say but certainly can not spell. Anyway, LaChelle's mom Renee came to the rescue and I do mean RESCUE!!! She helped me get to Coastal Transportation, which is the only shipping company that directly ships to the Aleutian Islands. We got SO lost in downtown Seattle. At one point the lady from Coastal Transportation was giving me turn by turn instructions. This place was impossible to find. I was so thankful to find the place I almost cried. We then went through the process of boxing up the stuff in my car. The car was packed with stuff because I didn't know how long it was going to take for the rest of my belongings to get to Sand Point. Trust me when I say nothing else would have fit in the car. Then the guy from Coastal Transportation inspected the car, made sure it only had 1/4 a tank of gas (it's some shipping regulation) and then took possession of the car. At that point I did get a little misty eyed. The whole moving to Alaska thing became VERY real at that moment. I knew that I was moving but when you see your car being driven away you realize that you really are moving to a place you have never seen to work with people you have never met.

Renee then took me back to the hotel and then came back again the next day to pick me up. She took me to lunch (which I tried to pay for but she stole the check) and we walked Dayla around the park. We then went back to her house for about an hour so I could mend my jeans. At some point in all of the moving hoopla my jean pocket got caught on something a ripped a HUGE hole. So I sat in the sunshine and mended my pants (yes I was wearing other pants... no need to worry). Then we headed to the airport. I seriously have no idea how I would have managed to get everything into the airport plus Dayla without Renee's help. But everything went really smoothly and before I knew it Dayla was heading off and I was getting in line at security. Renee gave me a big hug and sent me on my way. I bored the plane and headed to Alaska!

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