Sand Point Clinic is where is spend my work days. It is a beautiful building. It houses both the medical and behavioral health staff. The clinic is our emergency room, urgent care, primary care, pharmacy, dental clinic, eye clinic, and behavioral health clinic all under one roof. We have about 19 full time employees. That is everyone from our Nurse Practictioner, to Community Health Aide, Behavioral Health Therapists (that’s what I do), IT and Billing departments. You wouldn’t think that it would be so busy but when you are the only option for the entire town… yeah we are busy.
That building way up there is the Sand Point School. It has grades pre-K through 12th. It’s a nice school and has everything you could possibly need. Including an indoor swimming pool that children from across the borough (our version of a county) come to swim in. The school also had a public library that is not just for the school children but also for everyone in the community.
Crab pots sit on the side of the road when not is use. I initially thought “wow someone could just steal them”. Then someone reminded me that they weigh about 900 pounds each. Yeah they aren’t worried about them getting stolen! These pots are down near the beach.
The Harbor Café is a lovely place to grab a meal. Think Denny’s but everything (or just about) is deep fried. It is sooooooo good. I try to eat there about once a week. It’s a great way to stay in touch with everyone on the island because that is where everyone goes. They also have free wireless internet and a great strawberry milkshake. (even if the milkshake costs $4.)
Not the greatest picture but this is the Trident Seafood Corporation Canary. This is where the fish the fisherman catch go from swimming to frozen or canned. I haven’t been inside yet but I’m hoping to real soon. Trident also provides the gasoline for the island which is REALLY nice. I filled up the today for only $42.75 for 14.5 gallons. Not to shabby when you think that many other bush towns in Alaska are paying $8-10 a gallon. And no I’m not kidding.
Sand Point Baptist Chapel is the only protestant gig in town. There is a Russian Orthodox church but the priest recently left. It is a beautiful church that overlooks the straight. We have, on average, about 10-15 people a week. There have been fewer now that fishing season opened and they say that we have that many during the winter as well.
Alaska Commercial – the grocery store. Or as I like to think of it the place that will cost you your first born child in order to buy a week worth of groceries. More on this later.
Well I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of what Sand Point has to offer!
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